C'khari Mahto !
Age: Early twenties.
Gender: Cisgender female. [she/her]
Race: Seeker Miqo'te.
Orientation: Bisexual biromantic.
Relationship Status: Single, never married.
Birthday: 4th Sun of the Sixth Umbral Moon. (December 4th)
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Hair: Strawberry brown, long. The styling changes frequently.
Eyes: Mint green.
Height: 5'3"
Build: Rubenesque and feminine.
Features: Has a very small tail.
♫ Let 'Em Talk - Kesha
♫ What The Hell - Avril Lavigne
♫ Open Heart - Adrian Chalifour
♫ Just A Girl - No Doubt
♫ Warm Coke - Valiant Vermin
♫ Pink Light - MUNA
An outgoing and spirited young woman, C'khari aims to spread love and peace across the land by way of defeating evil and bringing hope to the hopeless. Unfortunately, this mission often comes into contradiction with her fiery temper and opinionated nature, both of which tend to create more trouble than they solve. Ever at war with the scars of her unjust upbringing, C'khari fights to temper her more volatile aspects while still respecting the sweet, 'girly' side of herself that she was forced to repress— she wishes nothing more than to prove that femininity and strength aren't mutually exclusive, and both deserve respect.

hooks !
» Pink Mage. Using a self-coined term for her healing-focused brand of Red Magic, C'khari wields her rapier and spells with a keen eye and an elegant hand. She claims to follow loosely in the footsteps of the original crimson duelists, spreading love, peace and hope across the land when it needs it most... but she seems to have only the loosest grasp on the actual history of it all. Still, she's loud enough and proud enough about it that whispers of a 'Pink Mage' have been heard floating about various circles.
» Tribal Exile. The Scarlet Sons have made themselves somewhat infamous to those who live among the Dravanian Hinterlands, so the news of their leader's death and the steady exodus of their number traveled fast. Most would be content to laugh at the misfortune of terrible people, but some might have dug deeper and learned the truth- that the Nunh's newest 'bride' had challenged him to pitched combat and won, then promptly run for the hills. Wonder where she is now.
» A Pirate's Life for Her? In her pursuit of a life fully lived, C'khari has joined up with her cousin's sky pirate crew, despite having absolutely no sailing skills. This has tossed her into the deep end of morally dubious enterprises- not that she's fully acknowledged that fact- but also given her a rather inflated sense of self. She's now happy to try and befriend even the saltiest of sea sky dogs, whether they'd like her to or not.

» Aspiring Adventurer. C'khari's fondest wish is to join the storied ranks of the heroes of yore, if only to spite all those in her past who told her she couldn't. Unfortunately, such achievements don't come easily, and her general impatience means that she'll jump at any offered chance to begin growing her fame. Her moral compass keeps her from participating in any truly shady acts, but it's not a stretch to assume you could knock out a fetch quest or four if you were so inclined. Or... perhaps she's worthy of saving your bacon, figuratively or literally!
» Best Friends Forever! Having lived a mostly solitary childhood outside of her immediate family, C'khari not-so-secretly craves a squad of close friends, so that she can 'catch up' on all the hallmarks of growing up she feels like she missed. Sleepovers! Birthday parties! Harmless gossiping while going shopping for cute clothes! She wants it all. Most of all, though, she just wants somebody to have her back when times get tough.
hello! i'm alice [she/they]!
i'm 28 years old, live in the PST time zone, and at any particular time i am probably gposing.i currently work afternoon into early evening but am free most evenings.
i'm always down to meet new folks, get involved in fun plots, or just hang out for casual scenes.i encourage the use of mare so khari can be seen 'as intended', but it's not required.feel free to send me a tell if you see me around, even if it's just to say hi.

the scarlet sons !
The Scarlet Sons are an offshoot of the C tribe, located in the Dravanian Hinterlands. For most of recent memory, they remained entirely inconsequential: mentioned only passingly by Sharlayan traders, who occasionally hired on the tribe's hunters for assistance in gathering research or materials in exchange for food and clothing. However, that changed when the scholars abandoned their outpost in wake of the Garlean attacks. With no more trading to be had, the tribe, which had grown accustomed to living in the seat of (relative) luxury, fell to stealing from the abandoned facilities in the hopes that they could attain more goods.A grouping of the tribe's hunters, three men and two women, ended up breaking into the Great Gubal Library in search of these goods, though found only traps, beasts, and books to greet them. Most of the hunting party did not survive the expedition- one lone Tia escaped with an armful of books and his life. Reading through what he'd taken, the Tia found notes on a strange sort of magic he'd never heard of before. In these books, the Tia saw an escape from a life of mediocrity.
In the culture of the tribe, men are seen as naturally more attuned to Red Magic, and because of that, men are the only ones allowed to learn Red Magic. Women are seen as only skilled for 'menial tasks' such as cooking, cleaning, and hunting, as well as raising children, and in general are treated more like slaves or workers than actual people. In general, an individual's social standing is influenced by how good one is at magic- the strongest casters are those who are given the title of Nunh, under the notion that breeding will produce stronger and stronger mages. The strongest caster in the tribe tends to be given the title of leader, thus ensuring that the toxic culture continues.Those who dissent against 'the way of things' tend to meet unsavory fates- in the best of cases, they are 'set straight' by the males of the tribe, but troublemakers have been thrown into exile or even killed for trying to change the way of things. There's one notable exception: that the tribe's most recent leader was killed in combat by a woman who had managed to learn Red Magic, and after she fled, many of the tribe's members left as well over time.The Sons have seen their number decrease rapidly in the last three or so years since the incident. Now, only the most stubborn and indoctrinated of its members remain, as those with better sense seek greener pastures, either in other tribes, or on their own in the world.